Our recruitment process
Our tech team goes trough our inbox every week. The aim is to provide you an answer on your application within two weeks.
Psychometric tests
The tests are used in order to add objectivity to the way we compare candidates and identify the best fit for the role.
First interview
The goal for this interview is to understand your personality, work style and values in order to figure out if we match.
Technical test & Interview
You will be given a technical take-home assignment which you'll be given a couple of days to solve. If the solution meet our requirements you'll be invited to a case interview.
Meet the founders
This is a talk with two of our three founders. You have the chance to ask your remaining questions and hear more about the company.
I'm happy to answer them!
People Operations
About Dema.ai
Where most people see products, clicks or views, we see stories. We transform these numbers into narratives, delivering unique insights that drive actions.
We are building a predictive analytics tool for next generation e-commerce businesses!
Already working at Dema.ai?
Let’s recruit together and find your next colleague.